by Phil Williams | Sep 10, 2019 | General English, Writing skills
I’m often asked about tips for writing essays, particularly for exams. There is a section on this in my book, Advanced Writing Skills, but it’s such a universal topic I thought it would be good to share the general advice here. Planning to Succeed Writing for exams...
by Phil Williams | Nov 20, 2018 | General English, Writing skills
Emphasis is when a particular stress or importance is given to something. Many exceptions to grammatical rules in English relate to emphasising particular words or ideas, making it a very important and also very broad topic. Structure, word order, vocabulary choice,...
by Phil Williams | Jul 26, 2018 | Books, Definitions, General English, Writing skills
Here’s something for anyone who really wants to go beyond the basics of English. Having recently released Advanced Writing Skills for Students of English, I’ve had a few readers share comments that while they see the value in a clear and simple writing...
by Phil Williams | Jun 7, 2018 | Books, Writing skills
It’s finally here – Advanced Writing Skills for Students of English has hit the (electronic) shelves! After an intense month of final updates, with massive thanks due to my excellent beta reading team, the final book is now available in eBook and paperback...
by Phil Williams | Mar 22, 2018 | Definitions, Writing skills
A hyphen is this short punctuation mark: – . Not to be confused with longer dashes, which have different uses. Hyphens are used in English for two specific purposes – hard hyphens join words together, while soft hyphens divide words. The uses of hyphens...
by Phil Williams | Aug 31, 2017 | Books, Writing skills
If you’re a member of the ELB mailing list you may have seen that I’m working on a new guide to improved writing skills. The idea is to present advanced writing tips for learners of English as a foreign language – a guide based on how the language functions, as...