How to Structure Sentences Logically

How to Structure Sentences Logically

I often discuss breaking down sentence structure and word order to demonstrate how understanding sentence components helps provide flexibility with structure. You can use the full word order guide to help with this here. Today, though, I’d like to discuss cases when...
How to Master Commas in Use

How to Master Commas in Use

I know a few people would like a proper introduction to commas and how to use them, so I’ve compiled a guide here based in part on the chapter on commas in Advanced Writing Skills for Students of English. Some of the specific areas I’ve gone into more detail on in the...
When to use advanced vocabulary

When to use advanced vocabulary

I felt like it was time for a look at some vocabulary for once, so today I’m sharing some thoughts on how to develop and use an advanced vocabulary, from a chapter originally published in Advanced Writing Skills (which celebrated some big milestones last...

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