Contractions and Different Tense Forms

The different English tenses use a delightfully wide variety of forms, in the simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous for the past, present, and future. And, on top of that, we use those forms in positive, negative, question and negative forms. Now, when we...

Making predictions with the future tense

One of the many uses of the future tenses in English is to make predictions – to suggest, or guess, something is likely to happen in the future. We usually make predictions with the future simple forms of will (It will be a good day.) or going to (Our team are going...

The Present Tenses and State Verbs

Following from my tips on the past simple and state verbs, and its comparison with the past continuous (based on extracts from The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide), this article will explain how the present tense works with states. As demonstrating states can...

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