Latest Articles from ELB

Forming Polite Questions and Requests

Forming Polite Questions and Requests

As this website has become more popular, I’ve received an increasing number of questions and requests for assistance. It’s always good to hear from readers, as I know there is always more to explain, or different ways to explain things, and also because it exposes...

Out now: The English Tenses Exercise Book!

Out now: The English Tenses Exercise Book!

It's been a long time coming but The English Tenses Exercise Book is finally out - available now in paperback and eBook form. This is the first ELB exercise book, which has been in the works since I first wrote The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide - with luck...

Different uses of the word ‘being’

Different uses of the word ‘being’

I recently received a question about the gerund being, as one of many uses of the -ing form to be. This is an interesting study of how one form of a verb can have many different uses and entirely different grammatical functions. In this case, being may be part of a...

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